I recently got the chance to introduce coding to a Grade 5 class at Wheatland Crossing School. A highly engaging introduction to coding is My Robotic Friends. There are no computers needed to for this lesson and is extremely helpful in getting students to understand 
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Grade 6 Social Studies tasks students with learning about a culture that is not only different from the one they live in, but also one that is ancient and no longer in existence. Creating authentic learning experiences about ancient Athens might seem difficult, but, at 
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Educators are increasingly utilizing technology for assessment and it is enhancing learning and communication in- and outside of our classrooms. Several of our teachers at Golden Hills have been using digital tools to assess and communicate student learning, and have been impressed with the outcomes. 
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At the start of each day, broadcasting  the Question of the Week to all staff and students sets the stage for a thinking classroom. The question is revisited daily and students are encouraged to hear new perspectives, ask questions and potentially change their minds over the 
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Global storytelling can be a powerful learning opportunity when combined with a classroom full of engaged learners and an iPad.  These Grade 1 students found a way to dive into digital global storytelling with some fact finding, critical thinking, creativity and enthusiasm. Albert Einstein is 
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Cultural Experiences In this dynamic era of complex change, there is a growing realization that student learning must be fostered well beyond the walls of traditional classrooms. To encourage this globally connected learning, a group of Golden Hills School Division students, teachers, and administrators took 
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Having an authentic audience engages students and improves writing Walking into a Grade Six class at École Brentwood Elementary, you would immediately notice the buzz in the room.  Groups of students are scattered throughout the classroom and hallway. Some students are sitting at desks huddled 
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