• Morning Mash: A Creative, Collaborative Way to Support All Learners
    George Freeman School | Grade 4 | Teachers: Monica Major & Carlie Laslo At George Freeman School, Morning Mash is much more than a morning routine—it’s an innovative program that creates a vibrant, student-centered start 
  • The Power of Inclusion: How Mary’s Journey Enriched Our School Community
    At Drumheller Valley Secondary School, Mary, a student with Down syndrome, became a source of inspiration for the entire school community. Teachers worked strategically with students to create an inclusive classroom where everyone could thrive 
  • Nurturing the Positive: How Joy, Gratitude, and Optimism Fuel Student Success
    Positivity relates to how  qualities such as joy, gratitude, optimism, and a sense of fun all contribute to student well-being and academic success.  It challenges educators to look at their more deeply held assumptions about 
  • Accessible Communication for Complex Learnings: A School Community Approach
    Inclusive education aims to provide equal opportunities for all students, regardless of need. When it comes to students with complex learning needs, effective communication becomes a crucial aspect of their educational experience. Teachers play a 
  • Building Belonging: Strategies for Educators
    Educators can cultivate a sense of belonging by: Fostering Collaboration: Facilitate opportunities for students to work together on group projects, discussions, and activities. Collaboration encourages students to connect with one another, build relationships, and develop 
  • Fostering Scientific Thinking: Every Student as a Scientist
    In today’s rapidly evolving world, scientific literacy and critical thinking skills have become more important than ever. As educators, it is our responsibility to empower students with the necessary competencies and transferable information to navigate 
  • The Role of Regulation and Co-regulation in Building Resilience
    Regulation: Help students develop self-regulation skills by teaching them strategies for managing their emotions and behaviors effectively. Teachers can incorporate mindfulness exercises, breathing techniques, and conflict resolution strategies into their lessons to support students in 
  • Curious Collaboration
    A group of teachers from George Freeman School in Strathmore, Alberta have been fueling their teacher tanks with curiosity. Although the learning journey started with a grade 4 teacher wanting to change the way they 
  • Understanding Subitizing in Mathematics: Types, Benefits, and Classroom Strategies
    Subitizing is a fundamental skill in mathematics that plays a crucial role in developing number sense and fluency. In this article, we’ll explore what subitizing is, the two different types of subitizing, and how teachers 
  •  The Big Ideas of Safety
    Exploring “The Third Path”: A Journey Towards Holistic Well-being “The Third Path” is a groundbreaking book authored by Dr. David Tranter, Lori Carson, and Tom Boland. The book presents a compelling exploration of the concept 
  • Materials Matter – A Guide to Teacher Resource Selection
    There are many factors to consider when selecting instructional materials to help students learn the  curriculum.  Start by selecting a resource that aligns with the Program of Studies.  The learning outcomes should determine what is 
  • Enhancing Writing Skills with Virtual Reality: A Creative Approach to Learning
    In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the integration of technology in the classroom has opened up new avenues for engaging students and enhancing learning outcomes. Among the most exciting developments is the use of Virtual 
  • How can I build a sensory space in my classroom?
    OT Susanne Williams worked to guide teachers in Golden Hills School Division on how to meet the sensory needs of students in their classroom. The following is a snapshot of what she presented to teachers 
  • Do weekly spelling tests still matter?
    Spelling tests have long been present in elementary classrooms.  Each week, students study a list of words and memorize them in an attempt to be successful on their spelling test.  Many programs embed phonics work 
  • What Does Powerful Reading Instruction Look Like? 
    Powerful reading instruction requires the thoughtful weaving together of all aspects  of reading.  These components or strands are identified in Scarborough’s Reading Rope and are combined to produce proficient readers. The “big five”, as it 
  • Spiral Your Way to Success 
    Have you been curious about spiraling your curriculum in math? Perhaps you are wondering how it is different from teaching your curriculum in units? Maybe you have heard about it from a colleague or friend. 
  • Harnessing the Power of Technology for Differentiation and Assessment
    In a rapidly evolving landscape of education, technology has become an indispensable tool for teachers seeking to engage students, enhance learning experiences, and assess understanding. The power of technology is in the creation of new 
  • UFLI Program has Huge Impact on Learning Phonics 
    As part of a comprehensive literacy program, teachers recognized the importance of providing explicit and systematic instruction in phonics.  Rich literature is valued and provides an essential model for communication and expression of thought.  When 
  • Bringing Renaissance to Life: Cross-Curricular Showcase
    This is an extraordinary example of effective collaboration, student engagement and cross-curricular tasks coming to life! Teachers and students used an authentic audience to deepen learning and increase community connection.  The Vault and the Flip 
  • Teacher Curiosity
    Molly, a fifth grade teacher, and Megan, a third grade teacher from Greentree Elementary in Drumheller, Alberta have been facilitating an inquiry journey with their students that focuses on taking action in their community by 
  • Place-Based Learning Resources
    Place-based learning is a transformative educational approach that leverages the local community and environment as primary resources for learning. This method not only fosters a deeper connection between students and their surroundings but also brings 
  • Creating a Flexibly Grouped Classroom: Finding Success
    Flexible grouping in the classroom is a powerful approach to enhance overall student learning and engagement. To build a flexibly grouped classroom, it is crucial to create a solid foundation by fostering a culture of 
  • Flexibly Grouped Classrooms: Maximizing Student Strengths, Confidence and Collaboration
    Flexibly grouped classrooms use a strategic approach to education that focuses on the strengths of each student, building their confidence and allowing for deeper collaboration among peers. In this type of classroom, students are organized 
  • Developing a Curiosity of the World through Student Lead Exploration
    As a teacher, allowing students to explore subject-specific content starts with modeling personal connections to the material. By demonstrating your own curiosity and interest in the subject matter, students are more likely to engage in 
  • Challenge Students to Develop a Stronger Sense of Ownership
    Allowing a challenging student to visually represent their thinking is a powerful tool in helping them appreciate their own thought process while building their confidence. By starting small and personal, educators can help students identify 
  • How to use Purposeful Thinking in the Classroom
    Visible thinking is an approach that allows learning to be individual yet Purposeful. Initially, some teachers may feel hesitant about this approach, thinking that it is too open and unstructured for their students. However, visible 
  • How to use Visible Thinking as an Approach to Support all Learners in the Classroom
    In a visible thinking classroom, differentiation takes on a unique form. The goal is to provide all learners with a way to represent their thinking visually, which can help them build confidence to deepen their 
  • Bringing Renaissance to Life: Cross-Curricular Showcase
    This is an extraordinary example of effective collaboration, student engagement and cross-curricular tasks coming to life! Teachers and students used an authentic audience to deepen learning and increase community connection.  The Vault and the Flip 
  • Exploring the Power of Place-Based Learning: Engaging Students Through Real-World Experiences
    Place-based learning is an innovative educational approach that leverages the local community and environment to enhance the learning experience for students. By incorporating real-world experiences and hands-on activities, this approach brings the curriculum to life, 
  • The Power of Collaborative Drama – How Westmount School’s Drama Production is Cultivating Brilliance and Community
    In order to find the seeds of brilliance in everyone 400 students and 50 staff members at Westmount School collaborated to design and produce a drama production. The Collaborative Drama Production has a profound impact 
  • Building an Interconnected Root System of Number Sense
    Developing mathematical flexibility is critical in developing math fact fluency among students. As students advance through different grades in math, they are exposed to new concepts and strategies that expand their overall numerical understanding. As 
  • Part Two: Creating a Flexibly Grouped Classroom: Finding Success
    Flexible grouping in the classroom is a powerful approach to enhancing overall student learning and engagement. To build a flexibly grouped classroom, it is crucial to create a solid foundation by fostering a culture of 
  • Part One: Flexibly Grouped Classrooms: Maximizing Student Strengths, Confidence and Collaboration
    Flexibly grouped classrooms use a strategic approach to education that focuses on the strengths of each student, building their confidence and allowing for deeper collaboration among peers. In this type of classroom, students are organized 
  • Finding Success in the Heat of the Kitchen
    In an educational setting where students have the freedom to choose their own learning path, it may seem counterintuitive for them to opt for a high-pressure cooking class that pushes them to their limits every 
  • The Power of Collaboration and Community: Ecole Brentwood’s First Nations Mural
    Intentionality: For Strathmore Grade 5/6 and High School Fine Arts teachers, the opportunity to create a First Nations mural at Ecole Brentwood Elementary School was a process of intentional collaboration with one another, Siksika Elder 
  • Study Tip: How to Create a Useful Vocabulary Journal
    In our academic courses, new vocabulary is coming at us all the time. It can be hard to keep up with all of the new words, and to sort through them in a meaningful way. 
  • What is Métis Week?
    The following information supports educators who are interested in incorporating Métis culture, language & ways of knowing into their classrooms. What is Métis Week? Each year on November 16, people across Canada pay tribute to 
  • Differentiation: A Way of Thinking
    Differentiated instruction is more than a strategy. It is a way of thinking about teaching and learning that utilizes evidence-based practices that meets students where they are at. If you have ever heard yourself saying, 
  • Tech Equity through Read & Write for Google Chrome
    Read and Write is a literacy software with tools designed for reading, writing, study and research support.  Read and Write for Google Chrome is an extension that works with PC-Microsoft, Mac-Apple (including Ipads), and Chromebooks to 
  • Shifts in Practice – Igniting the Spark
    Watch this video to learn about shifts in practice that occurred in a grade 5 and 6 math classroom. The teachers (Lesley Riep and Jordan Trentham) in this video knew that in order to become more 
  • Math Facts
    Everyone would agree that learning math facts is important. The ability to automatically retrieve math facts helps free up memory resources to give more attention to complex and more advanced mathematics.   Research evidence confirms that rote memorization and timed flash cards are not the best way for 
  • Capturing & Retaining Ideas Through Visual Note Taking
    Also called Sketchnoting or Graphic Visualization You may be looking for ways to help your students remember what they are reading. Here is an excellent strategy that your students will love and allows for creativity. 
  • How to make a Novel Study MATTER
    Special Thanks to Jenny Bakken and her grade 7 class for sharing this Powerful Story Imagine that your students are so engaged and so excited by a novel that they cannot wait to come to 
  • Remember to Play!
    “We do not stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing”– George Bernard Show  Play is a naturally occurring phenomenon. Some researchers define play as “an activity that is intrinsically motivated, entails 
  • National Indigenous Peoples Day
    June is National Indigenous History Month, and it provides an opportunity to recognize not only the historic contributions of Indigenous peoples to the development of Canada, but also the strength of present-day Indigenous communities and 
  • Reading Builds Brains
    June… wondering about how to keep students engaged? Read aloud. Teachers know the importance of students reading as much as possible, every day. Reading opens doors, not only to new ideas but to their future. 
  • Sit Spots: Weaving Mindfulness and Nature Together
    “Find one place in your natural world that you visit all the time and get to know it as your best friend. Let this be a place where you learn to sit still- alone, often, 
  • Creating a culture for assessment
    How can we create school environments that harness strength based assessment practices and create a culture of valuable assessment? Assessment researchers would argue that there are steps that can be taken to ensure that assessment 
  • How to Create Inclusive & Engaging Classrooms
    The Pandemic has brought to life the need for educators to create more inclusive, responsive and stimulating learning environments that meet the needs of all learners, no matter their background, culture, or learning needs. Engagement 
  • The Impact of the Physical Environment on Learning
    The physical environment has the potential to dramatically alter what learning looks like for students. It communicates who and what is valued in learning. It is the physical space that  sets up expectations for a 
  • Visible Random Groups: Why This Is The Next Thing You Need To Do For Group Work In Your Classroom
    Group work… it has its benefits in the classroom and it has its headaches. But the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages, and we know that collaboration is a key competency our students need for the 
  • Enhancing Learner Engagement
    A common conversation teachers and parents are currently having is about learner engagement. Students can appear apathetic towards completing assignments, diving into the material and really digging into the work at hand. How can we 
  • Behavior Regulation and Executive Functions
    The word that best describes the social-emotional style of children with executive function weaknesses is reactive. Children with executive function weaknesses struggle to regulate the urges that originate in the lower brain center because they 
  • How to Encourage Reading at Home: Part 2
    Although parents understand the value of reading at home, they often wonder how best to help their child learn to read. Parents often ask teachers questions such as: “When should I step in to help? 
  • How to Encourage Reading At Home
    Reading opens up a child’s imagination and ultimately opens up their world. Through reading children are introduced to new words, new ideas and new ways of thinking. Research has consistently demonstrated the importance and power of 
  • Truth and Reconciliation Week
    Golden Hills School Division wants to support their staff and students in learning about Aboriginal groups across Canada and the impacts that Residential schools had on them. This resource provides teachers and students with voices 
  • Supporting Student Re-Engagement & Learning Recovery: A Review of Dr. David Tranter’s Webinar
    Dr. David Tranter, co-author of The Third Path: A Relationship–Based Approach to Student Well-Being and Achievement offers educators an approach to supporting students as they return to school this fall that is both informative and 
  • National Indigenous Peoples Day
    To honor and celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day (June 21st) we would like to share our Blackfoot Students First Virtual Powwow Demonstration video. We would like to thank our First Nations Liaisons for all their 
  • How to Foster Effective Parent Relationships
    The Power of Parent Communication In any classroom setting (online, hybrid or in-person), fostering relationships with parents is key to an effective learning environment.  Setting up regular communication helps parents to be clear on expectations 
  • How to Assist Students in Managing Stress
    Stress and Learning Teachers interact with students on a daily basis, and as a result, they can see how a student’s learning is impacted by various challenges, stress being one of them.  In order to