How to use Purposeful Thinking in the Classroom

Visible thinking is an approach that allows learning to be individual yet Purposeful. Initially, some teachers may feel hesitant about this approach, thinking that it is too open and unstructured for their students. However, visible thinking offers a structured and intentional framework that empowers students to take ownership of their learning. This framework enables students to build on their prior knowledge, understand the intention behind the learning goals, and identify a starting point for their learning journey. As a result, students are better equipped to track their progress and satisfy their curiosity through further thinking experiences. In essence, visible thinking provides a foundation for students to engage in deliberate, purposeful, and structured learning that empowers them to grow and develop their skills and knowledge over time.

This video is part of a series, here are the links:

Developing a Curiosity of the World through Student Lead Exploration

Challenge Students to Develop a Stronger Sense of Ownership

How to use Visible Thinking as an Approach to Support all Learners in the Classroom

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