In a rapidly evolving landscape of education, technology has become an indispensable tool for teachers seeking to engage students, enhance learning experiences, and assess understanding. The power of technology is in the creation of new knowledge, for example, video recording, is being harnessed in innovative 
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Differentiated instruction is more than a strategy. It is a way of thinking about teaching and learning that utilizes evidence-based practices that meets students where they are at. If you have ever heard yourself saying, “I tried differentiation and it did not work” or “I 
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Research shows that student choice within education increases engagement and ownership. It is also a factor in increasing student motivation. One effective way for students to have a choice in how they demonstrate their understanding is by using choice boards. What’s a Choice Board? A 
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Teachers are consistently challenged with meeting the needs of diverse learners within the classroom environment.  As every learner is an individual, so are their learning needs. So what does this look like in the classroom? If all of our learners are unique with a variety 
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