George Freeman School | Grade 4 | Teachers: Monica Major & Carlie Laslo At George Freeman School, Morning Mash is much more than a morning routine—it’s an innovative program that creates a vibrant, student-centered start to the day. With a perfect balance of structure and 
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There are many factors to consider when selecting instructional materials to help students learn the  curriculum.  Start by selecting a resource that aligns with the Program of Studies.  The learning outcomes should determine what is taught, not the resource.  You will be hard-pressed to find 
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Place-based learning is a transformative educational approach that leverages the local community and environment as primary resources for learning. This method not only fosters a deeper connection between students and their surroundings but also brings in a plethora of community experts to enrich the learning 
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Also called Sketchnoting or Graphic Visualization You may be looking for ways to help your students remember what they are reading. Here is an excellent strategy that your students will love and allows for creativity. Visual Note-taking is a powerful tool that helps you capture 
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What are Concept Circles? Concept circles are a great way to engage students in representing a variety of mathematical concepts.   Teachers and parents can use them to support children both inside and outside of the classroom.   The main topic or central idea is put in 
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a.k.a Sketchnoting, Graphic Visualization or Edu-Sketching “Bits and pieces of knowledge quickly go away.  Edu-Sketching helps meld those pieces together for a more coherent-thus, memorable-whole.”  Wendy Pillars As teachers, you may be looking for ways to help your students remember the content they are learning about. 
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School-wide Focus This year, to kickstart the school-wide focus on caring for the environment, Westmount Elementary School chose ‘The Lorax’ by Dr. Seuss to share with their students.  The ‘Environmental Team’ of students created monthly challenges for the whole school that connected to environmental stewardship. 
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Team of Two Grade 1 and 2 teachers Kirstie Stoodley and Alex Kathol, Wheatland Crossing School, opened up the wall between their classrooms to host a session at their school’s Student Conference Day and they haven’t closed it since! Going Outside to Grow Inside Team 
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Sometimes, Junior High or High School students can feel hopeless when reading complex texts. Teachers can use these six strategies with their older students to support them in reading comprehension and engagement in any subject or class: 1. Connect Students are able to better understand 
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