Specific Strategies to Differentiate Mathematics Instruction: Design Open Questions  Turning around a Question: Instead of giving the question- a teacher provides the answer and asks for the question.  Asking for Similarities and Differences: Teacher chooses two items (shapes, numbers, graphs etc) and asks students how 
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How to Approach Differentiating Instruction in Mathematics:  Focus Instruction on Key Concepts One of the most effective ways to differentiate in mathematics is to focus on the key concepts (*big ideas) rather than a narrow, specific curricular outcome. To do this try to cluster specific 
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What is Differentiation? It is an organized yet flexible way of proactively adjusting teaching and learning to meet kids where they are and help them to achieve maximum growth as learners. (Tomlinson, 1999) Differentiation in Math Should:  Focus of instruction must be on key mathematical 
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