There are a number of ideas and strategies you can implement in order to help your student become independent. First, begin by discussing what independence looks like and then develop routines and strategies that can foster this. You can help students to understand the criteria to 
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Being able to think, learn and make good choices independently remains one of the most important skills that your students can acquire.​ While “spoon feeding” students can sometimes offer the most direct route to observable progress, it is possible to support academic, behavioral and social-emotional development in ways that allow for independence without 
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Issue: Questions in the classroom too often fails to engage powerful thinking. Questioning is an integral part of everyday life in the classroom. It is what teachers do all day long. Traditionally, questions are asked, students answer and more questions are asked. Such questions might 
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Do you want every voice in your classroom to be heard? Do you want each voice to be valued? Do you want maximum participation for all? Try one of these strategies in your classroom to support and empower your students.*  *We love Jennifer Gonzalez from 
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Hear a piece of information and three days later you will remember only 10% of it. Add a picture and you will remember 85% of the information. The more Visual the input becomes, the more likely it is to be recognized and recalled (Medina, 2014). Hear 
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“A student’s sense of belonging at school is based on the degree to which they feel connected to school, the strength of the relationships they have with educators, and the closeness of relationships they have with their peers.” (Third Path, pg. 84).  Building relationships between 
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During the 2020-2021 school year, Golden Hills School Division has provided families with the option for students to attend school virtually with the flexibility of being able to return to their home school at any point in the year. In order for students to be 
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“… teachers need to view students not as objects to be questioned but as agents who can think together about the content under study.” (Walsh & Sattes, pg 17, 2017, second edition) Questioning has moved beyond the questions that teachers ask, to the questions that 
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In this video, Warren identifies six key actions to help teachers continue to facilitate powerful learning during the pandemic and beyond. Learn more about the importance of:  Building routines Designing learning that matters Communicating success criteria clearly Providing opportunities for iterative and reflective thinking Focusing 
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Learning online requires self direction, motivation and engagement on the part of your students. Learning is enhanced when the physical space is organized, and when routines are established to foster learning. Even when the environment is ideal and conducive for learning, student’s can struggle to 
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