Metacognition, though it sounds tricky, can be an effective way for students and teachers to reflect on their own learning and take their learning to the next level. Essentially, metacognition happens when one thinks about their own thinking. Metacognition in the classroom should be explicit, 
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Providing cross-curricular opportunities for students can enrich the learning experience through authenticity and meaningful context.  It also allows for the transfer of concepts across disciplines. Cross-curricular opportunities can be between core classes, core and option classes, or between option classes. Cross-curricular learning highlights and honours 
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Powerful Learning encompasses many aspects, rooted in research and best practice, of what makes optimum learning experiences for students to reach deep understanding. Wheatland Crossing is a rural Kindergarten to Grade 12 school that has deliberately incorporated Powerful Learning across grade levels and subjects. Teachers 
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The “SPARK” A move towards more authentic, powerful learning often times requires a “spark”, and in the case of the Net-Zero project, the spark for teacher Mark Schweitzer came in 3 parts:  A presentation by Peter Gamwell, where educators were asked to think of their 
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Teachers are consistently challenged with meeting the needs of diverse learners within the classroom environment.  As every learner is an individual, so are their learning needs. So what does this look like in the classroom? If all of our learners are unique with a variety 
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One of the challenges teachers face today is finding ways to bring the math curriculum to life in their classrooms. Vanessa Page at Drumheller Valley Secondary School wanted her students to learn math in connection to the real world.  To accomplish this, she begins each 
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What is non-linguistic representation anyway?  Really it’s just a fancy way to say representing learning without a focus on words. Non-linguistic strategies help students represent their understanding using mental images, imagery, creating pictures, or engaging in kinesthetic activity. This allows them to store information in 
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Future challenges and opportunities are difficult to anticipate; however, teachers in Golden Hills are constantly seeking ways to better prepare students for this uncertainty. What’s a solution? The Global Connections Certificate, a program developed by Golden Hills teachers and administrators. The program provides students with: 
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Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater! There are gems of Powerful Learning in your units and lessons, so scrub the dirt off first. 1.   Start With What You Have, Set Goals, and Tweak Do you have a unit that you know is engaging 
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