OT Susanne Williams worked to guide teachers in Golden Hills School Division on how to meet the sensory needs of students in their classroom. The following is a snapshot of what she presented to teachers in our district.  Did you know that we have 8 
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Spelling tests have long been present in elementary classrooms.  Each week, students study a list of words and memorize them in an attempt to be successful on their spelling test.  Many programs embed phonics work and sentence writing but might we consider the following questions:  
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Powerful reading instruction requires the thoughtful weaving together of all aspects  of reading.  These components or strands are identified in Scarborough’s Reading Rope and are combined to produce proficient readers. The “big five”, as it is often referred to in research, identifies five key concepts 
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Have you been curious about spiraling your curriculum in math? Perhaps you are wondering how it is different from teaching your curriculum in units? Maybe you have heard about it from a colleague or friend. If you want to learn more about the benefits and 
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In a rapidly evolving landscape of education, technology has become an indispensable tool for teachers seeking to engage students, enhance learning experiences, and assess understanding. The power of technology is in the creation of new knowledge, for example, video recording, is being harnessed in innovative 
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As part of a comprehensive literacy program, teachers recognized the importance of providing explicit and systematic instruction in phonics.  Rich literature is valued and provides an essential model for communication and expression of thought.  When students engage with rich literature, they expand their understanding of 
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Molly, a fifth grade teacher, and Megan, a third grade teacher from Greentree Elementary in Drumheller, Alberta have been facilitating an inquiry journey with their students that focuses on taking action in their community by designing and creating green spaces on their school grounds that 
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Flexible grouping in the classroom is a powerful approach to enhance overall student learning and engagement. To build a flexibly grouped classroom, it is crucial to create a solid foundation by fostering a culture of collaboration through low-stakes experiences. Setting the tone and expectations with 
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