The physical environment has the potential to dramatically alter what learning looks like for students. It communicates who and what is valued in learning. It is the physical space that  sets up expectations for a learning-centered environment including what is on the walls. Is it 
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Group work… it has its benefits in the classroom and it has its headaches. But the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages, and we know that collaboration is a key competency our students need for the future. We want our students to be able to collectively 
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The word that best describes the social-emotional style of children with executive function weaknesses is reactive. Children with executive function weaknesses struggle to regulate the urges that originate in the lower brain center because they lack the prefrontal cortex capacity to suppress them. When confronted 
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Although parents understand the value of reading at home, they often wonder how best to help their child learn to read. Parents often ask teachers questions such as: “When should I step in to help? What is the best way to offer help?”, “How do 
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Reading opens up a child’s imagination and ultimately opens up their world. Through reading children are introduced to new words, new ideas and new ways of thinking. Research has consistently demonstrated the importance and power of reading and the priority that needs to be placed on 
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Golden Hills School Division wants to support their staff and students in learning about Aboriginal groups across Canada and the impacts that Residential schools had on them. This resource provides teachers and students with voices of our Elders from Siksika, Alberta. Their messages and teachings 
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Dr. David Tranter, co-author of The Third Path: A Relationship–Based Approach to Student Well-Being and Achievement offers educators an approach to supporting students as they return to school this fall that is both informative and practical. He believes that this school year is an opportunity 
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To honor and celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day (June 21st) we would like to share our Blackfoot Students First Virtual Powwow Demonstration video. We would like to thank our First Nations Liaisons for all their efforts in creating this video as a learning opportunity. GHSD 
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The Power of Parent Communication In any classroom setting (online, hybrid or in-person), fostering relationships with parents is key to an effective learning environment.  Setting up regular communication helps parents to be clear on expectations as well as learning outcomes.   Students “Win” When Parents are: 
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