Penny Kittle, a veteran English Language Arts teacher, argues that our students are readers and writers, and we need to teach them as such. We need to help students see themselves as writers. She says all writers need time, choice, response, vision, and expectations, and 
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As a high school language arts teacher, my goal is to design learning experiences that enable students to develop a deep understanding of themselves and the world around them. In striving to do so, I often turn to the discussion strategy called the Socratic Seminar. 
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a.k.a Sketchnoting, Graphic Visualization or Edu-Sketching “Bits and pieces of knowledge quickly go away.  Edu-Sketching helps meld those pieces together for a more coherent-thus, memorable-whole.”  Wendy Pillars As teachers, you may be looking for ways to help your students remember the content they are learning about. 
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Research shows that student choice within education increases engagement and ownership. It is also a factor in increasing student motivation. One effective way for students to have a choice in how they demonstrate their understanding is by using choice boards. What’s a Choice Board? A 
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Walking into my classroom you wouldn’t immediately know that it was a place where math teaching and learning takes place. You’d see moustache decorations, maps and travel photos, random art and all kinds of things that aren’t “math.” And LEGO, lots and lots of LEGO – 
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What It Is The Frayer Model is a graphic organizer with four or five specific sections. It is designed to help students understand academic vocabulary or concepts. The sections have students define the term, describe characteristics of the term, provide examples and non-examples, and may 
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As educators, we know the big impact positive relationships between teachers and students have on learning, development and overall achievement.  Research supports the benefits of positive relationships between teachers and students as stated by John Hattie (2011), “The educator-student relationship has been found to be 
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Anticipation Guides What It Is Anticipation guides are a type of graphic organizer. They have a list of 5-7 statements, related to the topic students are studying, and students are required to agree or disagree with the statement. Anticipation guides are used before learning and 
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Authentic Engagement is fostered when teachers design learning experiences that intellectually and emotionally engage students. This was the case, when the Grade 3 and Grade 6 students from Greentree Elementary School in Drumheller worked collaboratively to complete the Buddy Sled Challenge. Connecting to Science Greentree 
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There are limitless learning opportunities outside the classroom walls.   One example can be found with a teacher and her students who can regularly be found out in nature along the Makhabn (Bow River in Blackfoot).  Cross-curricular connections weave naturally into this type of place-based 
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