Flexibly grouped classrooms use a strategic approach to education that focuses on the strengths of each student, building their confidence and allowing for deeper collaboration among peers. In this type of classroom, students are organized in a purposeful manner, allowing them to work together and 
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As a teacher, allowing students to explore subject-specific content starts with modeling personal connections to the material. By demonstrating your own curiosity and interest in the subject matter, students are more likely to engage in the learning process with genuine enthusiasm. It is also essential 
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Allowing a challenging student to visually represent their thinking is a powerful tool in helping them appreciate their own thought process while building their confidence. By starting small and personal, educators can help students identify their strengths and begin to develop a positive attitude towards 
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Visible thinking is an approach that allows learning to be individual yet Purposeful. Initially, some teachers may feel hesitant about this approach, thinking that it is too open and unstructured for their students. However, visible thinking offers a structured and intentional framework that empowers students 
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In a visible thinking classroom, differentiation takes on a unique form. The goal is to provide all learners with a way to represent their thinking visually, which can help them build confidence to deepen their learning. By making space for individual thinking and creating multiple 
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In order to find the seeds of brilliance in everyone 400 students and 50 staff members at Westmount School collaborated to design and produce a drama production. The Collaborative Drama Production has a profound impact on students every year, creating strong connections within Westmount School 
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Developing mathematical flexibility is critical in developing math fact fluency among students. As students advance through different grades in math, they are exposed to new concepts and strategies that expand their overall numerical understanding. As students deepen their connections with math facts, they become better 
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Flexible grouping in the classroom is a powerful approach to enhancing overall student learning and engagement. To build a flexibly grouped classroom, it is crucial to create a solid foundation by fostering a culture of collaboration through low-stakes experiences. Setting the tone and expectations with 
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