Powerful reading instruction requires the thoughtful weaving together of all aspects  of reading.  These components or strands are identified in Scarborough’s Reading Rope and are combined to produce proficient readers. The “big five”, as it is often referred to in research, identifies five key concepts 
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Have you been curious about spiraling your curriculum in math? Perhaps you are wondering how it is different from teaching your curriculum in units? Maybe you have heard about it from a colleague or friend. If you want to learn more about the benefits and 
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In a rapidly evolving landscape of education, technology has become an indispensable tool for teachers seeking to engage students, enhance learning experiences, and assess understanding. The power of technology is in the creation of new knowledge, for example, video recording, is being harnessed in innovative 
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As part of a comprehensive literacy program, teachers recognized the importance of providing explicit and systematic instruction in phonics.  Rich literature is valued and provides an essential model for communication and expression of thought.  When students engage with rich literature, they expand their understanding of 
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Developing mathematical flexibility is critical in developing math fact fluency among students. As students advance through different grades in math, they are exposed to new concepts and strategies that expand their overall numerical understanding. As students deepen their connections with math facts, they become better 
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Flexible grouping in the classroom is a powerful approach to enhancing overall student learning and engagement. To build a flexibly grouped classroom, it is crucial to create a solid foundation by fostering a culture of collaboration through low-stakes experiences. Setting the tone and expectations with 
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In our academic courses, new vocabulary is coming at us all the time. It can be hard to keep up with all of the new words, and to sort through them in a meaningful way. In this article, you’ll learn how to keep an effective 
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Differentiated instruction is more than a strategy. It is a way of thinking about teaching and learning that utilizes evidence-based practices that meets students where they are at. If you have ever heard yourself saying, “I tried differentiation and it did not work” or “I 
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Read and Write is a literacy software with tools designed for reading, writing, study and research support.  Read and Write for Google Chrome is an extension that works with PC-Microsoft, Mac-Apple (including Ipads), and Chromebooks to bring technolgoy equality to all learners. This is a tool 
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